Choosing from an array of individuals who have played a significant role, and who are worthy of obtaining the title “The person I Most Admire” has been challenging. Reflecting on the many faces that have enriched society with impactful messages, triumphal challenges, and inspiring semblance has triggered the face of one person, “Jesus Christ”. For many he is a fictional character with frivolous meaning, but to others he is “Lord” and “King”. In the following dissertation you will encounter information that enfolds this commendable character.
For thousands of years Jesus Christ has been a controversial character who has crowded the tabloids, and has occupied the pages of world history. His immense impact and sacrifice to humanity has made scholars question his birth, and societies reconsider whether he was an imaginary figure. Born in 6BC, in the town of Bethlehem Jerusalem, he was invoked with wisdom and dressed with humility. His passion, love, dedication, obedience, mastery, and charitable acts personified perfection and echoed his message. With authority bestowed upon him either through divine ordinance or attained residency he performed wonders that challenged his own humanity.
Jesus was wonderfully adorned with a bodily frame of five feet seven inches and was tested, tempted, denied and betrayed by the society he loved. Even though these ingredients helped form his revolutionary message, he had an incredible ability to reserve his feelings, keep his focus, and overcome incredible odds which gave him virtues that many wish to attain. Historical books have portrayed him as a political religious figure while others reverence him for his heroic acts of sacrifice. Much of Jesus’ life was dispensed on the unaccepted indigents of society and the spiritually broken. With confidence surrounding his aura, he sympathetically healed the sick and operated acts of kindness abroad which influenced many to believe that he was not only a spiritual giant but a physical one as well.
Jesus’ feats were so humanitarian that scholars, even today, have focused their argument on his last name (Jesus Christ). For we know that biblical evidence records him as the “Christ” which means the “anointed one”, but little is said about his last name which is not inscribed on biblical pages (this may not have been a custom). As a master teacher he comforted his students with confidence, and empowered them with the ability to communicate clearly his unselfish message. With a minimum of five thousand followers in his first year of ministry, and millions influenced by his speech and ideologies, he became a figure to be reckoned with. Public speaking was no challenge for a man with so much passion. In fact, many communication specialists still read and practice the elements of presentation which he exercised (parables). With a natural gift to draw people’s attention he persuaded, provoked and encouraged many to search and speak the truth. Through this element of candidacy he was able to touch the hearts of all generations that succeeded him.
There continues to be three fundamental elements which personified Jesus’ character, and that won him the title “the most admired”, which were faith, hope, and love. These three constituents mirrored the wisdom, life and death of such a remarkable individual and deity. For it has been said of his death, “for what love is this, that a man shall give his life for another”. This message has been echoed for more than two thousand years and continues to stab at the core of human morality. Jesus’ life challenged and even changed governments, nations, peoples, paradigms, religions, and the world. His legacy and status entitles him to wear the name “Son of God”, and he continues to be the core and founder of the Christian faith.
Many of his writings, messages, miracles, history, and stories have been recorded and preserved in the sixty six books contained in the “Holy Bible” or Testaments. His influence has been so remarkable that for thousands of years his story has been told in the living rooms of many homes, in churches across the world, and can be found in most night tables in hotels. Even though his life has been tainted by gruesome images, false accusations, and skeptical ideologies his message lives on in the hearts of those who know him and believe in him, he continues to be an inspiration and an example for all humanity. Jesus’ is the person that “I most admire”.
For thousands of years Jesus Christ has been a controversial character who has crowded the tabloids, and has occupied the pages of world history. His immense impact and sacrifice to humanity has made scholars question his birth, and societies reconsider whether he was an imaginary figure. Born in 6BC, in the town of Bethlehem Jerusalem, he was invoked with wisdom and dressed with humility. His passion, love, dedication, obedience, mastery, and charitable acts personified perfection and echoed his message. With authority bestowed upon him either through divine ordinance or attained residency he performed wonders that challenged his own humanity.
Jesus was wonderfully adorned with a bodily frame of five feet seven inches and was tested, tempted, denied and betrayed by the society he loved. Even though these ingredients helped form his revolutionary message, he had an incredible ability to reserve his feelings, keep his focus, and overcome incredible odds which gave him virtues that many wish to attain. Historical books have portrayed him as a political religious figure while others reverence him for his heroic acts of sacrifice. Much of Jesus’ life was dispensed on the unaccepted indigents of society and the spiritually broken. With confidence surrounding his aura, he sympathetically healed the sick and operated acts of kindness abroad which influenced many to believe that he was not only a spiritual giant but a physical one as well.
Jesus’ feats were so humanitarian that scholars, even today, have focused their argument on his last name (Jesus Christ). For we know that biblical evidence records him as the “Christ” which means the “anointed one”, but little is said about his last name which is not inscribed on biblical pages (this may not have been a custom). As a master teacher he comforted his students with confidence, and empowered them with the ability to communicate clearly his unselfish message. With a minimum of five thousand followers in his first year of ministry, and millions influenced by his speech and ideologies, he became a figure to be reckoned with. Public speaking was no challenge for a man with so much passion. In fact, many communication specialists still read and practice the elements of presentation which he exercised (parables). With a natural gift to draw people’s attention he persuaded, provoked and encouraged many to search and speak the truth. Through this element of candidacy he was able to touch the hearts of all generations that succeeded him.
There continues to be three fundamental elements which personified Jesus’ character, and that won him the title “the most admired”, which were faith, hope, and love. These three constituents mirrored the wisdom, life and death of such a remarkable individual and deity. For it has been said of his death, “for what love is this, that a man shall give his life for another”. This message has been echoed for more than two thousand years and continues to stab at the core of human morality. Jesus’ life challenged and even changed governments, nations, peoples, paradigms, religions, and the world. His legacy and status entitles him to wear the name “Son of God”, and he continues to be the core and founder of the Christian faith.
Many of his writings, messages, miracles, history, and stories have been recorded and preserved in the sixty six books contained in the “Holy Bible” or Testaments. His influence has been so remarkable that for thousands of years his story has been told in the living rooms of many homes, in churches across the world, and can be found in most night tables in hotels. Even though his life has been tainted by gruesome images, false accusations, and skeptical ideologies his message lives on in the hearts of those who know him and believe in him, he continues to be an inspiration and an example for all humanity. Jesus’ is the person that “I most admire”.
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