Thursday, May 7, 2009

Diversity in America

In the following essay I will be commenting and sharing about my feelings, opinions or impressions about cultural differences in America.

For years America has been considered the “melting pot” of all cultures from all corners of the earth.
We as “Americans” can be proud of some of the progress in the area of diversity. Looking back at the history of the United States we learn that in view of all the existing cultures and civilizations, we continue to be a fairly young nation. To state that our country has not made errors along the way which has cost many innocent lives, and have been ignorant about racial and diverse differences is an understatement. Comparatively, it is my contention that we still continue to be a rich, progressing, and caring generation of Americans interested in developing and adapting to the differences in society and cultures.

The diversity in America is something to be “envied”.
You can seek through the streets of Africa, Europe, Asia, Latin America and others, and not find the immense numbers of colors, languages and faces in any part of this world. Diversity is a rich part of our identity and culture as Americans. From the different flavors, fashions, dialects, traditions and music we are part of a wealth of people who are looking to share a common dream and succeed. Even though diversity brings about great challenges, the spirit to “achieve and overcome” is part of the DNA found in most us. Statistics have proven that even though the ignorance of oppression, racism, and prejudices has been a plaque in the progress of this nation it could not stop the numbers of migrations occurring daily in this country. Soon, the “minority” will ultimately become the “majority”. This information may be staggering but true, looking back at the last 20 years even English as a first language has been at risk.

So what does this mean? Whether or not we like it or not, Americans are faced with the reality that diversity is an important social issue that we have to overcome.
Embracing the things that unite us and not divide us is going to be vital if we are going to pull together as a country. Recently, I was able to play a small role in changing history. As millions watched from their televisions, sports bars, computers and even footsteps at Washington, we watched with anticipation the first African American President take the office of the Presidency. If this is not a, “dream in the making”, I would be foolish to not take notice. America has taken a leap in the area of racial differences and diversities but we still need to instill this in our classrooms and homes. As each society continues to develop, the thirst for knowledge continues to mature. In this knowledge we have a responsibility to teach and instruct in the area of embracing diversity as a new “norm” for the next generation of citizens.

Great men and women from diverse backgrounds surrendered their own freedoms so that we can enjoy this land call America.
Looking at the spectrum of colors which adorn our communities, classrooms, and even churches, this would make for a beautiful portrait. We are a people of many colors, but we share one common goal and that is to live and succeed. In the core of all diverse groups we still have a need to feel appreciated for who we are and accepted for what we are. These common desires and human values are what unite us as a people. One Love!

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