Thursday, May 28, 2009

Valuable Apprenticeship

After reading through the article “High School Child Development Courses Provide a Valuable Apprenticeship” written by Sally M. McCombie on January 1, 2009, I came to the realization of the enormous effects socialization can have on teachers, parents, students and children.

In this article, it was clear from the beginning that the primary element in preparing for an effective child development program was to get the parents involved. The State of Pennsylvania came to the conclusion that parents should take a more initial role in the educational curricula. By involving the parents, it was their intention that teachers would have strong partners which extended beyond the classroom in the child development process. This ideology proved valuable because parents became more knowledgeable on the topics of intervention, and the importance of rearing their child.

After further analyzes, I was also amazed at Pennsylvania’s interest in instituting classes for high school students in the area of Child Development. Whether intentional or not, being aware that the majority of high school students are sexually active, which constitutes for more than fifty percent of babies being born out of wedlock, gave the state of Pennsylvania an advantage. These bold actions lead to the development of what is called the “learning labs”. With well prepared teachers in the area of childhood care and development, high schools students were now trained in the area of observation, interaction, guiding, planning, preparing, and evaluating classroom activities. Exposing them to these daily activities, methods and processes was significant in their future success as teachers and parents.

In contrast, teachers were not only parental partners but intellectual mentors who guided the parents and students through a learning process which should be envied. Teachers worked with students individually or in small groups in order to plan, schedule and practice nutritional presentations. After completing their tasks, both student and teacher would reflect on methods practiced in order to make changes to their next session. This “hands on training” proved effective because it gave students insight as to how to manage their own classroom, for those interested in becoming future teachers.

Finally, from a “Vygotskian” perspective, this form of socialization is vital when developing cognition. He states “the potential for cognitive development depends upon the zone of proximal development”. By having the student, teacher, and child interact and socialize, exposed the student to information, knowledge, and skills necessary to succeed in the field of child development which cannot be attained otherwise or alone. It is clear that even in the process of child development socialization, enculturation, interaction, and inclusion is vital for an effective program.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fiscal and Monetary Comments

After sitting through hundreds of hours of television news and reading articles regarding our “faltering” economy, I continue to have strong views about opinions which oppose the standard economic business cycle and the methods by which we as Americans are looking to resolve the immediate issues facing our economy. As I have stated in the past, seasons are the natural forces of nature by which a system prunes and regenerates itself. We as Americans have grown too comfortable with our successes and have forgotten the natural processes which got us here in the first place. The decisions being made in Washington and in the offices of the Federal Reserve are decisions which will only have an immediate but not a long lasting effect. It is in some way a “band aid” being place over a massive wound.

Even though we have learned that fiscal and monetary policies are means by which government and the Federal Reserve exercise their economic strategies and control inflation and unemployment, we see that both practices have limitations. The Monetary policy exercised by the Federal Reserve puts more money in circulations through cuts in the cost of credit and/or interest. This type of policy takes time and eventually will not affect the economy immediately but long term. The Fiscal policy in the other hand, exercised by Congress and the President will circulate money only by means of tax cuts and or social funding. By providing stimulus packages (funding) doesn’t mean that citizens will spend their money rather than save it, and just merely providing social funding will not mean that organizations will disperse or even manage the money well due to lack of or immediate monetary needs.

I believe making quick decisions in a crucial time may mean complete disaster, in which we as a nation may not be able to recover from - let along our economy rebound. The realities of our economy are there, and I understand that waiting and not responding to the crisis may also have its devastating effects. But, I believe that the only way to recover from the overall economical and national crisis developed by the partisan agendas which have lead to the distrust of those in office is to regain the trust of the American people and let government work once again. Our economical crisis is just a mere image of a greater problem lingering and lurking around the door. It is an example of a broken, divided and self centered nation which needs healing and it begins with the American citizens working together with the American government. Breathing and inspiring to a new and patriotic generation!

If I had to choose the lesser of two evils, I would suggest that the latter fiscal policy (tax cuts and stimulus packages) may work better in regards to the given crisis. I believe it will speak out to Americans that the American government is interested in governing and still holds an interest in the American people and not only in the American dollar. Advocating for the fiscal policy and strong bi-partisan leadership will not only turn the economy around but the American spirit as well.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Culture and education

In today’s society there is one topic which is challenging all aspects of the economic, academic, social and religious arenas, and that is “diversity”. Diversity has found its way into the center of human development, behavior, paradigms and it’s a topic that we need to address, analyze, and tackle in order to advance into the next stage of global progress. In the following dissertation I will be commenting on how can culture and schooling effect students’ development?

Culture has been an issue of debate since the birth of this country. From the early migration of Europeans to the enormous exploits of African slaves, we as North Americans have been forced to face the challenges of cultural indifferences throughout society. These indifferences have also plaque our classrooms, and student responsiveness in developing an effective multicultural community within our schools. A difference in behavior, religion, attitudes, traditions, and language has challenged students to separate, segregate, and even marginalize themselves in order to adjust to this endemic process. The fear of losing one’s ethnic identity has been at the core of multicultural development and the greatest challenge facing most academic institutions today.

Teaching students the concept that they do not need to “assimilate” in order to “integrate” is vital in the process of creating a paradigm shift. For over two hundred years our school systems practiced an enculturation process which negated immigrants from keeping their ethnic identity, and acculturating an Anglo-American perspective. With the majority of European instructors populating our North American schools we need to invite and welcome minority leaders and teachers to take a role in the academic development of our children. Not until the venues of color and cultural partisans have been removed from our paradigms, social structure, and classrooms will our students ever have a chance of overcoming the affects of cultural indifferences.

Everything begins in the classroom, whether at home or in a prestigious academic setting, it is our duty as a nation to path a new way for our future generations to adhere to. Each institution has the responsibility to notice and adjust to change. Not learning from history can clog our progressive arteries and stimulate a cultural “heart attack”. By implementing a rich mandatory curriculum full of diversity, socialization, integration, and inclusion we as an academic institution can help turn the classroom into an attractive “melting pot” of multicultural flavor. It is my contention that we must reevaluate our focuses on whether we are spending too much time on issues that differentiate us, rather than on issues that brings us together (similarities). From the formal curriculum to the informal curriculum I have noticed that there is one common denominator and that is time. Let us do our part in planning, instituting, and allowing for the seasons of cultural evolution to take its course.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rembrandt Paradigms

Many individuals are being challenged by overwhelming circumstances. With a crashing market, a record high of foreclosures and bankruptcy in the rise, we are seeing families being challenged by the new standards of living.

In the wake of these changes there is a group of individuals who is allowing the waves of despair to mold them into passionate, wise and exciting pioneers. These individuals have learned how to turn their weaknesses into strengths.

Reinventing yourself can be very difficult. We have learned that paradigms are considered the strongest form of mental models and views that an individual can have. Breaking through a paradigm, similar to the artist “Rembrandt”, you can see a connection between his emotions, circumstances and decisions in his paintings. These changes lead to a new invention of artist expression which later became his ultimate strength. He was no longer an incredible artist, but a free artist. Free to express, free to feel and free to start in a new journey of possibilities in his art.

Sometimes the pressures of pain, hurt and change can be the necessary force that creates in you a jewel. We see that in the greatest of men and the greatest of women.

Diversity in Schools

In the following essay I will be commenting on the question, “do you think that differences in language, religion, and culture should be recognized and taken into account in schools, or should schools be the central place in American society where all students are made into Good Americans?.”

In the rise of tremendous changes in our society’s demographics, religion, politics, family, and economics we as a nation should reconsider whether schools are using its full potential in the development of our communities and the embracing of cultural diversity. After researching the meaning of school we can conclude that a school is “an institution for development and instruction of a skill, business or area of interest”. If our schools are to contend with the rise of diversity in our society, it’s going to have to take a lead role in its own policies and educational structure in order to teach and accommodate the generations which are following. I believe strongly that there are fundamental characteristics in every nation that makes its citizens so unique. As “Americans” we share a common language, topography, government, and even economy. These characteristics are what allow us to share a common experience, and can be used to unite us and not divide us.

In the other hand, I believe that schools should be the central place of learning. A place where students and teachers can learn about diversity and embrace what makes us so different. If we are ever going to achieve a unified society of vibrant people we are going to have to break through the barriers of diversity. Embracing different people’s language, religion and culture could bring out the best in human beings, but integrating people’s differences can be faced with tremendous challenges. Unless we begin to restructure the way government, society, schools and religious institutions regard the populace we are going to continue to face obstacles in which the people of this country are challenged with the idea of diversity.

Change is important in the modeling or remodeling of any society. If schools are going to have the impact on those seeking knowledge and instruction, then it is going to have to model that instruction in its classrooms. Teaching diversity is not just the spreading of cultural information, but a matter of modeling and embracing cultural difference. Schools in my opinion are doing too little in the area of diversity and that is why we are lagging behind in cultural development in our society.

To conclude, I have come to realize that schools have become “mini communities” where students are contributing to the learning process and sharing a common goal to learn and succeed. Success is having the ability to overcome obstacles and achieve that which is desired, planned and attempted. We as a nation and academic institution are faced with many challenges. In order to succeed we are going to have to desire it, plan for it, and attempt it. So let’s do it!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Diversity in America

In the following essay I will be commenting and sharing about my feelings, opinions or impressions about cultural differences in America.

For years America has been considered the “melting pot” of all cultures from all corners of the earth.
We as “Americans” can be proud of some of the progress in the area of diversity. Looking back at the history of the United States we learn that in view of all the existing cultures and civilizations, we continue to be a fairly young nation. To state that our country has not made errors along the way which has cost many innocent lives, and have been ignorant about racial and diverse differences is an understatement. Comparatively, it is my contention that we still continue to be a rich, progressing, and caring generation of Americans interested in developing and adapting to the differences in society and cultures.

The diversity in America is something to be “envied”.
You can seek through the streets of Africa, Europe, Asia, Latin America and others, and not find the immense numbers of colors, languages and faces in any part of this world. Diversity is a rich part of our identity and culture as Americans. From the different flavors, fashions, dialects, traditions and music we are part of a wealth of people who are looking to share a common dream and succeed. Even though diversity brings about great challenges, the spirit to “achieve and overcome” is part of the DNA found in most us. Statistics have proven that even though the ignorance of oppression, racism, and prejudices has been a plaque in the progress of this nation it could not stop the numbers of migrations occurring daily in this country. Soon, the “minority” will ultimately become the “majority”. This information may be staggering but true, looking back at the last 20 years even English as a first language has been at risk.

So what does this mean? Whether or not we like it or not, Americans are faced with the reality that diversity is an important social issue that we have to overcome.
Embracing the things that unite us and not divide us is going to be vital if we are going to pull together as a country. Recently, I was able to play a small role in changing history. As millions watched from their televisions, sports bars, computers and even footsteps at Washington, we watched with anticipation the first African American President take the office of the Presidency. If this is not a, “dream in the making”, I would be foolish to not take notice. America has taken a leap in the area of racial differences and diversities but we still need to instill this in our classrooms and homes. As each society continues to develop, the thirst for knowledge continues to mature. In this knowledge we have a responsibility to teach and instruct in the area of embracing diversity as a new “norm” for the next generation of citizens.

Great men and women from diverse backgrounds surrendered their own freedoms so that we can enjoy this land call America.
Looking at the spectrum of colors which adorn our communities, classrooms, and even churches, this would make for a beautiful portrait. We are a people of many colors, but we share one common goal and that is to live and succeed. In the core of all diverse groups we still have a need to feel appreciated for who we are and accepted for what we are. These common desires and human values are what unite us as a people. One Love!

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Lady Vanishes

There is no denial that Alfred Hitchcock did a marvelous job in the film “The Lady Vanishes” written in 1938. With his ability to orchestrate a story that reflects the lifestyle of the 1930’s we can only sit back and marvel what it could have been like to sit on the train with Mrs. Froy. In the following essay I will be commenting on how society has changed since 1938, how it has remained the same, and how are movies different?

First, as I reflect on the film “The Lady Vanishes” much can be said about the eloquence of fashion, and the innocence of language which society produced in 1938. With the clothing trend finding its place in the populace, each garment represented the eloquence and character of each individual. With neatly pressed shirts and colorful ties, the public square seemed like the round table of an executive conference. Fashion seemed to symbolize the honor, respect and regard that individuals had for themselves and others in society. In the other hand, the conduct, behavior, and language of the 1930’s emulated the fluency and politeness which cuddled the people of its time. With words like “madam” used to address the women, and “sir” to address the men a suitable essence filled the atmosphere.

Secondly, there are certain elements of a society that remains foundational. In scope of the film “The Lady Vanishes”, Alfred Hitchcock portrays a society full of lies, violence, and deceit. Perhaps the images are not as gruesome as depicted on today’s television screen, but still resemble the deceitfulness found in the hearts of those eloquently dressed (people). I would contend that there is always “good” and “bad” in human nature, and even though we have evolved into an advanced society we still are bound by the decaying value of human morality.

Thirdly, reflecting on the making of the film “The Lady Vanishes” Alfred Hitchcock unintentionally launches us back into time when black and white films were an innovative “pass time”. With the absence of color on the big screen we are forced to view drama and movie making from a different point of view. With little emphasizes given to skin color, even though I didn’t view a colored person on the film, we notice that the ability of the actor and the plot of the story is what gave films its dye. It wasn’t about the gruesomeness of the story, the corruption of the social arena, or the amount of vulgarities that can be spoken in a matter of ninety minutes that attracted viewers; it was about the simplicity that path the way for a good story line.

Finally, in view of the changes in society since the 1930’s, there are certain qualities found in earlier generations that seem more inviting. Certainly, they weren’t absent of the festering depreciation of moral behavior, but it is my contention that it was to a lesser degree. With fashion, eloquence, speech, and simplicity being the elements that mirrored the populace, I sit back and wonder what could it have been like to sit with Mrs. Froy on the train as she “vanished”?

Prejudice in the Classroom

The topic of “prejudice” is a subject that most schools generally stay away from. It is a topic that sometimes rattles our conscience, and brings out the truths about our viewpoints and the condition of our sociological status. In the following essay I will be commenting on what are some ways that teachers could continue to educate themselves about new methods related to prejudice reduction while simultaneously keeping up with student needs and school requirements, especially when time is such a problem?

“Whenever there is a will, there is a way”. This statement is true in any endeavor we undertake either individually or corporately. One way teachers can continue to educate themselves and be pioneers in the reduction of prejudice in the classroom, and in society is to make it part of the core curriculum of each educational institution. In today’s society this topic is of high importance, and it should also be highly regarded in the educational settings. Requesting teachers to continue to educate themselves while simultaneously keeping up with students and school requirements is a great challenge. But not engaging on the topic of prejudice in the classrooms can be devastating. Prejudice is a truth that needs to be addressed, and exposed in our schools. As we have learned, these negative traits and values are birthed from the “fear of the unknown”, and a lack of knowledge. As an educational institution we are the pioneers of technology, information, techniques, and even the process of attaining and imparting knowledge. Schools should be held responsible for what is taught and modeled in our classrooms. Requiring future teachers and leaders to address such sensitive topics can be the force that changes our sociological paradigms, and give birth to a new face in our classrooms, our nation, and globally.

Not embracing, discussing, or engaging in the subject of prejudice, is like attaining a college degree in mathematics but not taking algebra. By educating on the rudiments and philosophical framework of prejudice, we are not asking teachers to find personal time in extending their educational degrees. It is a means or solution in giving teachers the opportunity to collate this subject matter into their program while unseeingly attaining their extended knowledge through the preparation process (hidden curriculum). Learning more about the dynamics of prejudice can empower, motivate, and even be an advocate for change in our schools. The problem we face is not time, the problem is that we have not considered prejudice to be a topic of high concern which requires our time. This coalition of implementing, educating ourselves, and making it part of our program can make it worth time investing. I could see it now, the core curriculums of an institution could sound like this; science, mathematics, english, reading, social studies, humanities, history, and prejudice. What do you think?

In order to embrace diversity, it is my contention that we must expose the truths of prejudice. Learning about each other’s differences and similarities will be important in the progress and enculturation of the next generation of citizens. Implementing a “prejudice” course in the core curriculum of our future teachers, and allowing existing teachers to extend their knowledge through the preparation process should be in the minds of those decision makers who influence the core curriculum agendas. Now is the time for change, let’s start it in the classrooms.

Monday, April 27, 2009


There is nothing like the open air of a windy stadium, the ketchup poured upon a “Nathan” hotdog, and a thirty two ounce of diet Pepsi to quench the thirst of a baseball game. With the temperature at eighty six degrees and the wind blowing at fifteen miles an hour, fifty six thousand fans are cheering for their favorite players, and of course a victory for the home team. Somehow we all have something in common, a national pastime, our friends, our families, and the love for baseball.

Baseball has always taken on a significant role in the cultural development of our society. I could remember growing up in the streets of Brooklyn living just six city blocks away from the famous “Ebbets Field Stadium”, where the Dodgers played. With my homework completed and a baloney sandwich in my right hand, I would run to my mother and beg her to permit me another chase at “taking a crack at the ball”. There, across the street from my house, also stood “Medger Evers Stadium”, a parched grassless field with graffiti stains all over its beautiful facades. Everywhere I turned there was a stadium, you see, locals from the area would send their kids to “play ball” in order to alleviate some of the stresses and harsh realities which plagued most of the families in our community. For some reason we were not welcomed in professional baseball stadiums. We were minorities, and the closest thing we had at participating in a baseball game was playing “stick ball” between the heavily parked cars inundating the Brooklyn city Streets.

Baseball was an opportunity, a dream, a desire that inspired us to rise above our limitations and nourish the imagination of becoming the next “Babe Ruth” or perhaps “Mickey Mantle”. It was not just the game, but what the game symbolized. For some reason there is something fascinating about watching an “underdog” team facing the monstrosity of wealthy, healthy, well trained professionals who smoked cigars in the bathrooms, and ate a five course meal at lunch time. Baseball spoke for the less fortunate masses, and gave us an opportunity to beat the giants who limited our lives and discouraged our potentials. It was not about the money, the fame, or the success, but about the legacy of overcoming the odds.

Who doesn’t want to be part of a winning team? The “Yankees” is the team I most admire, with their famous pinstripe uniforms and twenty six World Serious victories hanging from their executive office, being a Yankee fan means you’re part of a winning fraternity. It is amazing how a simple game of baseball could teach us the art of “teamwork” and the dynamics which fashion the spirit, heart, passion, and desires of a winning team. Baseball has many facets which exemplify the characteristics of the corporate world, by couching, teaching, managing, training, and preparing individuals to achieve their maximum potential, you find people like “Jackie Robinson” coloring the walls of the “Baseball Hall of Fame”, and Latino player “Juan Marichal” breaking the barriers of racism in the sport.

Baseball may have lost some of its candid personalities, its joy, or even the spirit of the game due to its globalization involvement, but one thing is for sure there is one tradition which still attracts kids, families, baseball lovers, and even visitors to the game, and that is the famous “Take me out to the Ball game” song. Just like music has melodies, you cannot go to a baseball game without participating in a seventh inning baseball ritual that goes like this; “Take me out to the ball game; take me out to the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks I don’t care if we never get back, let me root, root, root for the home team if they don’t win it’s a shame. For its one, two, three strikes you’re out at the old ball game.” I Love baseball!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Poem

Yehuda Amichai is a contemporary Hebrew poet who has had a tremendous influence in the poetry world. With his rich ancestral background and desire to seek out the realities and truth of "Holy Scripture" he meditates, contemplates and orchestrates poetry that bends the theological concepts of early scholars. He also entices his readers to journey through his poetry from a contemporary point of view.

In the poem “A Man In His Life”, Yehuda responds to the writer of “Ecclesiastes” with a poem which depicts the life and death cycle of a man who has limited time. With vivid experiences which inundates the heart and life of most men, Yehuda prophesizes through his poetry and tells the story through the eyes of “manhood”.

A Man in his Life by Yehuda Amichai

A man doesn't have time in his life
to have time for everything.
He doesn't have seasons enough to have
a season for every purpose. Ecclesiastes
Was wrong about that.

A man needs to love and to hate at the same moment,
to laugh and cry with the same eyes,
with the same hands to throw stones and to gather them,
to make love in war and war in love.
And to hate and forgive and remember and forget,
to arrange and confuse, to eat and to digest
what history
takes years and years to do.

A man doesn't have time.
When he loses he seeks, when he finds
he forgets, when he forgets he loves, when he loves
he begins to forget.

And his soul is seasoned, his soul
is very professional.
Only his body remains forever
an amateur. It tries and it misses,
gets muddled, doesn't learn a thing,
drunk and blind in its pleasures
and its pains.

He will die as figs die in autumn,
Shriveled and full of himself and sweet,
the leaves growing dry on the ground,
the bare branches pointing to the place
where there's time for everything.

Brown Vs Board Assignment

For hundreds of years millions of people have suffered at the hands of immoral practices which dominated the social scene in American history. Ever since the foundations of this nation, political powers have been proficient in assembling excuses and practices which favors a stratum of people. The Anglo-centrist concepts were widely accepted and a national paradigm was birthed. In the following dissertation I will be commenting on the details which highlighted the “Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka” amendment, and why do I think schools are still segregated today.

The idealism of “Segregation” depicted the devaluation of social groups according to race, and used forced to institutionalize its practices. Many legislative and local officials assumed this ideology as a common practice in United States, and masked itself behind the concepts of “separation”. Separation, in contrast, was the devaluation of social groups freely practiced without use of force, but by use of choice. This masking of words, lead to an incredible period of civil adjudication and readjustment.

In the Brown vs. Board amendment (347 U.S. 483-1954) the Supreme Court was challenged to overturn the “Plessy vs. Ferguson (163 U.S. 537-1896)” amendment which upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation in public accommodations under the doctrine of “separate but equal”. By freely separating the racial classes and offering equal accommodations the U.S. government was justifying the concept of separation rather than segregation. This notion played erroneous in the eyes of thirteen families and their twenty children. With Mr. Oliver Brown, a concerned African American parent, welder, and Assistant Pastor leading this legal precession, the United States found racial segregation a violation to the Fourteenth Amendment in the U.S. Constitution. This overturned all earlier adjudications set forth by the “Plessy v. Ferguson” decision, and paved the way for integration and the Civil Rights Movement.

“Reform” has always found herself banging at the doors of society, political circles, and now education. This unmovable notion continues to be significant in the evolutionary process of socialization and its concepts. Even though society won an important decision in 1954, there are still many ideologies which continue to battle the notions of social inequality and segregation. The social stratification of the populace is a modernization concept practiced by local and political officials. By separating, stereotyping, and marginalizing individuals by their financial successes, zip codes, and last names state and educational officials may be undermining their own successes.

We have obviously seen schools in different neighbors receive additional funding simply because of the social stratum which it dwells. This biased resolution challenges the concepts of equality, equal accommodation, and equal assessment. With less funding perpetuating the accessibility, tools, and academic instruction of our schools systems, students associated with “lower class” families are being challenged to perform at the same level as “upper class” families. This categorization of funding, requirements, and assessment is questionable and can lead to an additional constitutional amendment in the future. With socialization and integration being the primary subject of interest in today’s society and the eternal clock of evolution ticking we may see a new wave of reform plunging at the footsteps of society. This categorization process undermines all political, social, academic, economic and diverse arenas.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Joan Cartwright & Jazz

The rich sounds of Jazz and Blues is a genre of music which has its roots planted in the echoes of the original African slave hymns. It expresses and vocalizes the sounds of a history of peoples, and culture which is so richly found in the African American ethnicity. Breaking the chains of racial tensions and telling the stories of relationships, love, and soul expression these sounds unites us all because it tells of life’s stories that goes beyond the color barriers. Joan Cartwright is one of the leading Jazz and Blues artists and composer who is still with us today, and I had the privilege of meeting her and participating in this rich history of music.

As we studied about “Women in Jazz”, Joan Cartwright made it clear that women had their place in the origins of Jazz Music. From the West Coast of Africa to the Clubs of Harlem she tells the story of greats such as, Betty Carter, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, Cole Porter and others. I enjoyed very much singing along her famous song “Love Translation” which speaks of how love unites us all through the trail of life, country, continent, world, and universe. With her charisma and smiles she ignited the floor and brought us the rich sounds that with its history, imparted in us all a rich experience and feeling of pride. For some of us, it reminded us of the early sixties and seventies and perhaps for others she gave a great history lesson. With tambourine in hand, she made us dance and feel the joy of participating in a diverse event not focusing on our difference but in our similarities.

Listening to the history of Jazz and Blues, we continue to see an evolution of sound, music and message which embraces its history. From the drums of Africa to the trumpets of Jazz it is so clear that we have evolved into a diverse group of people with a diverse ability to share history from the lens of time. It is not usual to see a lady saxophonist play her tunes while “lady melody” played her keyboard. Yes, I must say women have come a long way and they are here to stay. They had rime, they had rhythm, and they had blues. Much prettier than their counterparts, these women had style. Culturally this event was rich in information, and brought to life the history, emotions and feelings of the great women of Jazz.

By embarking in this event in “Black History Month”, I learned, laughed and participated in the sounds of my ancestral background. I took my sandals off and sang along in some of the song such as “I sing because I’m happy”. It reminded me that we all come from one, we all are one, and we share in one common goal called “life”.

Paideia Practice

Like an artist, a teacher continues to develop new styles, methods, tools, and frameworks which will help their students understand and attain the concepts which he or she is trying to convey. In the following reflection I will be describing in my own words what is the “Paideia Practice”?

The “Paideia Practice” is the art of teaching which elevates, exerts, creates, and mediates a desired experience and method to effectively furnish knowledge to students. Simply transmitting information either through verbal or scriptural means is not the only and effective way of educating the populace. Educationalists have a responsibility to nurture a teaching and learning environment which will enhances and provoke students to extend beyond their passive learning experience and attain the desired results. Merely lecturing through a course study may show limited teaching efficiency and can discourage students in their journey through their educational career.

Educators who are effective in developing the “Paideia Practice” involve questioning, dialogue, participation and in some cases, extra-curriculum activities in their course outlines. Many modern day teachers will introduce a film, piece of art, pictures, music, poetry and other forms of stimuli which help cultivate an effective learning environment for students. Being knowledgeable of the diverse learning style of each student is vital in preparing and developing lessons plans that address the special needs of each student.

Fashioning and assembling lesson plans takes critical, creative thinking and careful attention. It is important for educators to understand their own lesson plans before presenting it to their students in order to make adjustments and remove content which may be confusing and negatively impactful. Stimulating memory, recitation, integration, and critical thinking concepts may empower students to stretch beyond their own paradigms and strengthen their intrapersonal and interpersonal communication skills.

In conclusion, with the current movement of diverse populations inundating the American school system it is becoming more challenging and exciting for future teachers to create a lesson plan which embodies a multicultural theme. It is important that we do not allow for the assimilative process to take root in the “Paideia Process” of developing unbiased and effective lessons plans which will prepare our future students. Like any other concept, idea, or movement which continues to evolve it is going to be interesting to see how colorful classrooms will become and how educators address and prepare to answer the principles of the “Paideia Practice”.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Construction workers have the responsibility to take a designed idea and assemble the necessary tools, resources, and procedures in order to erect the desired structure. In the following dissertation I will describe in my own words the Constructivist Approach to teaching and learning?

Similar to the methods used by “construction workers” in the workforce environment, teachers are responsible for introducing new principles, concepts, ideas, resources and information which builds upon the foundational concepts previously learned by students, this concept is called the “Constructivism Approach”. In the “Constructivism Approach” knowledge takes active precedents in the student’s life and compels teachers to challenge the fundamental principles on which the knowledge is based. By questioning, empowering, and challenging students to explore and investigate new information educationalists are certifying the accuracy of the student’s knowledge and adding to the totality of their understanding and experiences.

In the process of “Constructivism”, time is vital in securing a sustainable and vivacious growth of added knowledge. Simply challenging students to investigate their thesis of knowledge is not conclusive in the developmental process of educating. But, allowing students to process, allocate, reason, and regulate the new information attained helps fortify the accuracy and understanding of that knowledge. Similar to the apperception ideology which states “process of new ideas always associates themselves with old ones”, constructivism closely resembles fundamental principles practiced and mentioned by earlier philosophers.

The learning approach to “Constructivism” is the responsibility of students. Simply accepting new knowledge without regulation or investigation can lead to devastation. It is my contention that if knowledge is continually active then new knowledge can lead to solutions or truths unchartered or attained. Developing a critical thinking process is essential to “Constructivism” and leads to a healthy battle of pursuing a passive approach to learning. Simply accepting different concepts as “factual”, without investigation limits our scope in the educational developmental process.

Constructivism will always be part of the educational process. As the thirst for knowledge continues to unveil we will always find new ways, means, concepts, ideas, truths, and information which will provoke the innovative mind and challenge our structured paradigms. Constructivism is a concept that continually adds to the nurturing of knowledge. Constructivism is active and it’s here to stay!

Behaviorist Approach

The “behaviorist approach theory” is a concept which focuses on the relationship between exerted behaviors provoked or initiated by external stimulus. In several analyzes performed by various notable psychologists such as Pavlov, Thorndike, Watson, and Skinner, experiments revealed that behaviors can easily be learned, extinct, recovered, or discriminated by a process called “conditioning”. Conditioning was the pivotal means of training, achieving and attaining desired behaviors from individuals and animals through a continual process of occurrences or steps.

In these occurrences, the experimented would be naïve to the desired reaction and certain negative and positive stimuli would be introduced. If the experimented achieved desired responses certain rewards would be issued, if not, then disciplinary repercussion would be adhered. Watson found that these negative and positive stimulated occurrences explained the notions of phobias, fears, and prejudices found in the sociological strata of society. In continuing the investigation Pavlov observed that once a behavior has been learned it can easily be triggered with similar stimuli in order to attain an associated response, this practice is understood to be “stimulus generalization”.

Another observance was “extinction”, by eliminating the continued stimulus from the experiment the desired behavioral responses would cease and training would have to be repeated or replaced. Thus, any behavioral reaction had a “direct” relationship with the stimulus introduced or used. In the other hand, “Spontaneous recovery” was the actual recovery method performed in order to attain the previously loss behavior practiced by the experimented. By reconditioning and reintroducing stimuli to the experiment, learned behaviors could be rendered.

The concept of “discrimination” was also introduced by Pavlov during his observations, whereas the experimented would distinguish between similar stimuli in order to discern which reaction is required in order to attain desired reward. By continually introducing comparable stimuli, individuals and animals innately formulated and learned differences found in closely associated incentives which sharpened their training and senses. This practice was non-intentional and latter was observed to be quantifiable. The “higher order conditioning”, in the other hand, was an advanced training induced to provoke the experimented to choose from various stimuli in order to attain desired reward. In this concept numerous incentives were introduced in order to encourage the experimented to react proactively to desired stimulus in order to attain desired results. This freedom signaled behavioral advancement and suggested choice.

All behaviors, disciplines, and attitudes can be learned through conditioning. In spite of the difficulties which one may encounter through repetition, reoccurrences, and practice there is valuable training which will lead to competence and mastery. For, the destiny of each trainee is to attain prominence and the rewards that are associated with his or her process.

Mental Discipline, Natural Unfoldment, Apperception

The developments of modern day school curriculums have been influenced by many rudimentary concepts which have induced practices in the way students attain knowledge. These concepts can be traced back to famous philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, and as late as Wolfe and Rousseau. In the following dissertation I will be commenting on the forces that have helped shape the school curriculums, and preferences among mental discipline, natural unfoldment, and apperception.

First, looking back through the pages of history it is important to mention the significant roles that early philosophers, and the reform movements had on the modification of modern day curriculum courses. With people like Horace Mann leading the “Common School Concept” and John Dewey introducing the “Progressive Education Concepts” the portico of education would never be the same. Topics such as philosophy, immigration, gender, exceptionalism, technology, and sociology now challenged the prospectus of most school officials, and altered the adaptation and adjustment of modern day academic demand. All of these evolving issues required progressive solutions which eternally modified our school curriculum and its future framework.

Secondly, in scope of all these modifications, there is a pivotal purpose which drove all concepts of the sociological and economical demands found in the academic arena as well as in society. That pivotal purpose was to attain the new academic and/or “mental disciplines” necessary to adapt to change. Mental discipline as stated by James D. Koerner is “The harmonious development of the mind, the will, and the conscience of each individual so that he may use to the full of his intrinsic powers and shoulder the responsibilities of citizenship." In the process of “mental discipline” we see several notable components which focus on the strict development of memorization, recitation, perseverance, and humanistic development. Learning, training and exercising the mind to prepare and answer common day problems is a concept that challenges all citizens to stretch beyond mediocrity and break through paradigms which catapult them into unscathed domains. Exercising mental discipline either through classical, existentialist or scientific means would remain in the foundations of our academic framework for years to come.

Thirdly, “unfoldment” was another concept which nurtured the curriculum progress found in our school system. With a notable philosopher such as Jean J. Rousseau introducing this new model of course discipline, he stated that “Human hereditary nature is good, it need only be permitted to develop in a natural environment free from corruption” provoked school officials to permit students to live close to nature so that they might indulge freely in their natural impulses, instincts, and feelings. This concept was deemed significant because it later associated itself closely to the progressive concept founded and practiced by John Dewey. Understanding that students should freely develop, search, and attain their innate qualities and interests in a healthy school setting encompassed a new degree of learning that triggered changes in the time and context in which students learned. Each student independently possessed learning qualities which was distinct from the rest of his or her colleagues and could differ in visual, auditory, experimental or other means. All these means were positively influential in a constructive environment.

Finally, the “apperception concept” was a culmination of the “unfoldment” and “mental discipline” concepts shared by earlier philosophers. Apperception is understood to be the “process of new ideas associating themselves with old ones”. In any evolutionary process, one cannot remove the fundamental principles or substance which gave rise to the movement or concept which it nurtured. In the apperception concept we learn that everything “one knows come to one from outside oneself” or external means. In applying this notion, a chain of developmental components coincides with the previous knowledge already attained, thereby adding to mental perception and development. This concept takes precedence to notions shared by an earlier philosopher named Aristotle. Aristotle introduced the “unmovable mover” and “great chain of being” concepts which possesses a class structure by ascending importance.

It is my contention that each concept has played a universal role in the process of curriculum development. Similar to any evolutionary process one cannot speculate or preference on the theoretical precepts which birthed its foundational beginnings, for each contains truths which can easily be applied or perceived. “Apperception”, “unfoldment”, and “mental discipline” will always have its residence in academic development.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Progressive Education

America is becoming a country full of dreams. With elementary, secondary, and college education now accessible to all citizens of the United States, the only thing limiting America was America herself. In the following dissertation I will be commenting on the main tenets which sparked the “Progressive Education Movement.”

It is impossible to comment on any element of the educational reform system without mentioning John Dewey. John Dewey has been known to many as the father of the “Progressive Education Movement”, his brilliance sparked a new wave of philosophical solutions which tackled the foundations of our educational systems. His beliefs were that “democracy” should be practiced both in the political and educational levels. By allowing students to take a significant role in developing, exploring, testing and shaping new ideas and values, education was contributing to the students’ development of self discipline and a structured life. It was just as important to institute a school curriculum where the needs and interests of the students were met. By becoming aware of the contemporary needs of students, the educational system could function as a working environment for students to experience and develop solutions to present day problems.

From an institutional perspective growth and experimentation were also vital, and “learning by doing” was critical in using the knowledge inertly embodied in the memory of potential pioneers. Schools were challenged to implement new factors which took education on a Progressive journey. There were also other factors in forming the Progressive educational faction. First, health, family and community life issues were important to address in order to tackle the contemporary problems facing students and their communities. Secondly, the study and application to psychology and the social sciences were also vital in equipping students for dealing with social environmental problems. And finally, learning about democracy and applying democracy to the currently diverse population of students inundating the school system would solve the diversity crisis facing our educational system in America. This model of education was nurtured assuming that students learned best when their learning followed their interests.

Teachers were challenged to indentify student needs and interests and assist in providing an educational environment that will benefit their educational and vocational progress. Not providing for these needs was an act of divergence, and limited the possibilities hoarded in their colleagues and students. Refocusing on the issues facing students, and assisting in tackling the solutions that affect the social stratum was vital in the framework which accompanied the progressive movement. It is with no further ado that the Progressive Movement continues to influence and direct most of our nation’s school curriculums and John Dewey personified that progress.

Secondary Education

Education in United States has undergone various evolutionary changes. With Horace Mann leading the “Common School Movement” and millions flocking to public schools to attain basic education, America now faced new challenges in preparing individuals to succeed in higher education. In the following dissertation I will be commenting on the evolution of Secondary Education (high school).

In 1880, millions of Americans were inundating the public schools. Horace Mann had succeeded in breaking down the barriers that limited many residents from attaining basic knowledge, and the social scene was beginning to change. With immigrants, former slaves, and women now filling the seats of public classrooms, America was challenged in developing a higher education program and preparing pupils to meet the economic demand. The state of Massachusetts has always taken the lead in advancing the academic genus by establishing the first tax supported elementary school, and the first college in the United States. This time they were focused on introducing the first Secondary Schools (English Classical School) which linked elementary school graduates to higher education (college).

Knowledge had become pivotal, and with thousands of elementary graduates rushing to continue their education, the academic system was met with new challenges. They noticed that public schools only offered students the basic education needed to be competent citizens. This “basic education” did not prepare students for the advance curriculum awaiting them at higher levels of education (college), nor did it help them become marketplace pioneers. Therefore, a solution was submitted to introduce the first secondary school (high schools) which prepared students for achieving higher educational degrees, and possibly helping America become once again a vibrant economy.

Since this concept was premature to those influencing the academic arena, and many were afraid of an inevitable failure, secondary schools were not publicized and became tuition based institutions. It was not until 1874 (Kalamazoo, Michigan Case), did secondary schools become publicized due to legislation passing a bill that supported tax funding for secondary education. With social, ethnic, and religious attributes varying in each classroom, and high schools flooding the academic arena, a new era of education was birthed and democracy once again shined.